How To Deal With Tooth Sensitivity: Dental Care Tips

By | July 1, 2024

How To Deal With Tooth Sensitivity: Dental Care Tips – Having problems while biting into your favorite ice cream? Do you feel a sharp pain when you drink hot tea? Any discomfort or pain when the teeth come into contact with hot, cold, sour or sweet means that your teeth have become sensitive and need help. This happens even during activities like brushing and flossing.

Sensitive teeth occur due to erosion of the tooth enamel, exposing the dentin layer. Dentin exposure causes sensitivity because the nerves can directly sense the food, causing this temporary effect.

How To Deal With Tooth Sensitivity: Dental Care Tips

It has been observed that most of us experience tooth sensitivity from time to time. Excessive sanding, intensive cleaning or acid erosion are some of the causes of this sensitivity.

Ways To Deal With Tooth Sensitivity

It is important to know the exact cause, the appropriate treatment or the treatment with the help of an experienced dentist, otherwise it can lead to other oral health problems.

Dentin hypersensitivity or dental sensitivity are other names for tooth sensitivity. Some studies show that about 10-30% of the population suffer from dentin hypersensitivity on a regular basis.

It can start at any time and can be watched by all age groups – from children to teenagers and adults. It is known that tooth sensitivity is observed more often in women than in men. Tooth sensitivity can affect even a single tooth or a set of teeth.

We can define dental hypersensitivity as a short, sharp pain caused by exposure of dentin, usually in response to unexplained chemical, thermal or osmotic stimuli. Here, hypersensitivity means that the dentin is exposed and the pulp is available for damage.

Experiencing Throbbing Pain And Sensitivity After A Dental Filling

Generally, a layer of enamel covers the crown of the tooth, and the tooth is lined by the gums or gums. Sometimes the gums move or recede, and part of the enamel layer at the junction of the tooth and the gums wears away easily. This is because the enamel layer in this area is very thin. This erosion of the enamel layer leads to the exposure of the inner dentin.

Dentin has many microscopic tubes or canals leading to the nerve center or pulp. Exposed dental tubules allow stimuli such as hot, sweet, sour or cold to reach the nerves. Nerves are sensitive to such irritants, causing sharp pain and discomfort. A person can feel mild or severe pain even for several hours.

Dentin hypersensitivity is a warning sign of more serious dental problems. If the pulp and the dentine layer are exposed over time and are not treated, the tooth may be vulnerable to further damage, causing oral health problems such as gingivitis, periodontitis, caries and more.

It is clear that the sensitivity is a result of exposure to the dentin due to the erosion of the enamel. The causes of tooth sensitivity may be related to lifestyle and oral hygiene habits. These habits lead to erosion of the upper enamel.  Below are some of the reasons.

Sensitive Teeth In Children

Teeth whitening and sensitivity – Teeth cleaning and teeth whitening procedures also cause tooth sensitivity, which can cause temporary effects.

Tooth sensitivity is usually seen when the teeth come into contact with hot, cold, sour and sweet substances. Sometimes a sensitive toothache is felt even when cold air passes through the mouth. Certain symptoms of sensitive teeth can lead to chronic dental and health problems. 

Sometimes acid reflux actually causes the erosion of the enamel, which can be the result of underlying stomach problems such as bulimia or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Sometimes tooth damage and persistent sensitivity can cause tooth decay or even tooth loss. Some of the symptoms that occur along with tooth sensitivity can be briefly described:

Do I Need A Dental Crown To Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

Serious diseases – certain symptoms of tooth sensitivity, if not treated or ignored, can indicate very serious or life-threatening complications. In such cases, you will need to seek immediate medical attention or emergency care. These conditions include swelling in the jaw, severe pain in the jaw, limited jaw movement, difficulty breathing, high fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, feeling faint, blood in the stool, and more.

People, as a rule, do not anticipate the serious consequences that can cause increased sensitivity of the teeth. You should go to the dentist immediately as soon as the tooth starts to hurt. It is necessary to immediately eliminate discomfort during eating and drinking. An examination with the doctor regarding the causes of tooth sensitivity is important for the proper treatment of the tooth. You will need to visit a dentist in Delhi to ensure minimal results if you have any of the following conditions:

There are options such as lifestyle changes and oral care that can help reduce tooth sensitivity. However, it is always recommended to visit a dentist to check the actual situation. During your visit to the dentist, your doctor will examine your symptoms, identify the root of the problem, and let you know how serious the condition may be. Some of the recommended treatment options are:

Maintaining good oral health is important for overall well-being. Here are some of the most common dental problems that people often experience:

What Helps Sensitive Teeth? Relief And Treatment

Tooth decay, or tooth decay, occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that destroy enamel. This can cause small holes to form in the teeth, causing pain and sensitivity.

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that support the teeth. It ranges from gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) to periodontitis (severe infection). Symptoms include swollen, red gums, bleeding and bad breath.

Persistent bad breath can be the result of poor oral hygiene, gum disease, dry mouth or certain diseases. Regular brushing, flossing and dental checkups can help prevent bad breath.

Tooth sensitivity causes discomfort or pain when eating hot, cold, sweet or sour food and drinks. This can be caused by tooth decay, worn enamel or exposed tooth roots.

What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

Tooth erosion is the gradual wearing away of enamel, often due to acidic foods and drinks. This can lead to tooth sensitivity and discoloration.

Oral cancer can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks and throat. Regular dental examinations can help in early detection, and increase the chances of treatment success.

Tooth sensitivity can cause acute and chronic symptoms that can lead to serious oral and health problems. Visit the best dental clinic in Delhi to find out the exact cause of tooth sensitivity and get timely treatment to avoid complications related to tooth sensitivity. At Orion dental care, our team of dental experts will provide you with the right advice, treatment tips and develop the appropriate treatment plan for the sensitivity and its serious consequences. Tooth sensitivity usually occurs when the bottom layer of the teeth, the dentin, is exposed. This can happen due to erosion (wear and tear) and gum recession (when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth and exposes the roots).

The roots of the teeth, located in the bone, contain thousands of tiny tubules that contain the nerves (pulp). These dental tubules allow stimuli such as hot, cold or sweet food to reach the nerve in your tooth, leading to the pain you experience.

How Fluoride Treatment Can Help Manage Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can also be a symptom of other problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, or a cracked tooth.

Sensitive teeth are caused by damage or loss of the enamel, which is the hard outer surface of your tooth.

Dentin is not hard; It consists of small tubes (a bit like those straws) that provide a direct path to the nerve of your tooth. These tubes contain liquid.

When something hot or cold touches the dentin, the fluid in the tooth’s tubules moves, which stimulates the nerve and causes pain. This fluid movement is known as hydrodynamic theory. The hydrodynamic theory was first introduced in 1900 and developed in 1966 by the Swedish dentist Martin Bernström.

The Right Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

If you are obsessed with the idea of ​​a perfect smile, visit your dentist. They can determine the cause of the toothache and recommend what to do about it! Cosmetic dentistry in Delhi is gaining popularity, so the best dentists in Delhi provide Smile Makeovers services along with tooth sensitivity treatment. Depending on the circumstances, he may prescribe one of the following treatment methods.

If an over-the-counter sensitivity-free toothpaste or alcohol-free mouthwash doesn’t reduce your sensitivity, you may need an alternative treatment product that may work better for you. One of the most common treatments is a desensitizing toothpaste, which contains compounds that help block the transmission of sensation from the teeth to the nerves. It usually takes a few applications to feel relief. The best dental clinics in Delhi offer the best treatment options for tooth sensitivity.

The best dentist in Delhi can offer you professional treatment that will reduce the thermal irritation of your teeth. This may be a more effective option for reducing discomfort, especially for patients who experience increased sensitivity during hygiene treatment. Your dentist may recommend applying fluoride to sensitive areas of the teeth, which will strengthen the tooth enamel and reduce pain.

If you have exposed tooth surfaces on one or more teeth, it may be time for some bonding, especially if sensitivity is involved! If you have enough pain and need some relief from the irritation, then this might be a good thing

Toothache And Swelling