The Role Of Supplements In Preventing Chronic Diseases

By | December 1, 2024

The Role Of Supplements In Preventing Chronic Diseases – Your body is a complex biological machine. Many biochemical changes occur every second. Some changes lead to others. 

Your body needs food rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals and hormones directly during these processes or to produce the necessary components. 

The Role Of Supplements In Preventing Chronic Diseases

Food and water intake are major factors that affect your body’s performance and health. If you don’t get the right amount of nutrients, it will show in your body. 

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Some science-based reasons for taking supplements include preventing nutrient deficiencies, reducing the risk of chronic disease, and improving nutrient absorption as we age. 

Your body needs the right amount of nutrients to provide energy for daily activities, repair and create new cells, keep your organs functioning properly, and maintain your immune system. 

Other symptoms may include sleep disturbances, hair loss, anxiety and irregular heartbeats, which are signs of malnutrition. 

For example, if you are vegan, you may need to take a vitamin B12 or folic acid supplement. Vitamin B12 helps keep nerves and blood cells healthy. You can get vitamin B12 from meat, fish and milk. The Paleo diet can also cause calcium and vitamin D deficiencies. 

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As we age, our body’s ability to do certain things decreases. Some elderly people cannot chew properly, so they avoid certain foods. They may need food supplies. 

Finally, you will need to undergo medical tests to make sure your symptoms are not caused by a medical condition and not a vitamin deficiency. 

However, for many reasons, which we discuss below, it is difficult to meet the daily requirement of many essential nutrients even with a balanced diet. 

Therefore, adding supplements to your diet is important and necessary to ensure you get your daily allowance for the following scientific reasons:

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Approximately 94.3% of Americans over the age of four do not meet their daily allowance of vitamin D. For magnesium, vitamin A and calcium, this figure is 52.2%, 43% and 44.1%, respectively. 

The tricky part is that most people don’t know they have a weakness until symptoms become more severe. They attribute their constant fatigue or loss of appetite to other reasons, such as “I’ve been busy.” In fact, the main cause is a lack of one or more nutrients. 

Taking supplements can help you stay ahead of the curve and help prevent symptoms that affect your quality of life. 

About 20% of the elderly suffer from atrophic gastritis. The key to this condition is that it impairs a person’s ability to produce stomach acid. 

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The presence of stomach acid creates the best environment for the body to absorb nutrients. Other nutrients affected by stomach acid levels include iron, folic acid, vitamin B-12, calcium, and beta-carotene. 

Since the body does not absorb the necessary nutrients, it is necessary to supplement non-food nutrients. 

Each Why Not Natural supplement is in its own bioavailable form, meaning that the elderly body can easily absorb nutrients despite low stomach acid levels.  

Agricultural practices have long-term effects on soil nutrients. For example, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in the soil decreased by 42%, 27% and 33% respectively.

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As a result, the nutritional value of many fruits, vegetables and crops has declined. Other nutrients such as iron, vitamin B2 and calcium have decreased by 6-38% compared to 1950 values. 

To get the desired amount of daily nutrients and maintain good health, you need to eat more nutritious foods. This is without considering the additional nutrients lost during cooking. 

Smoking broccoli, spinach, and lettuce (below 180°F or 82°C) reduces their vitamin C content by 14.3%, 11.1%, and 8.6%, respectively. When cooked (212°F or 100°C), you lose more than three times the nutrients from this vegetable, which is about 54.6% of broccoli. 

According to research by Robert H Fletcher and Kathleen M Fairfield, inadequate vitamin intake, especially below deficiency levels, has been shown to be a risk factor for chronic disease. 

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For example, deficiencies of vitamins B9, B6, and B12 are “risk factors for cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, and colon and breast cancer.” Vitamin D deficiency also puts you at risk for fractures. 

Therefore, to reduce these risks, it is wise to deal with what is within your control – taking the necessary levels of nutrients. 

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) provide the average amount of nutrients you need in a healthy diet to live a healthy life. However, some conditions require exceeding the RDAs. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that “the RDA for some nutrients increases during breastfeeding.” 

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Health professionals recommend that pregnant women (and women of childbearing age) take iron and folic acid to help the baby grow properly. Women taking prescription medications such as anticonvulsants are advised to take high doses of folic acid. 

If you have digestive problems, you may need to take supplements in addition to your diet. Common causes are digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis and cystic fibrosis. These conditions cause malabsorption or insufficient absorption of nutrients.

Vitamins are important for the health of your body. Every function in your body is associated with one or more vitamins. All of these activities can be broken down into five health benefits, including:

B-complex vitamins help the body extract energy from food. B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin also help the body produce energy. 

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So without these vitamins, you can’t convert food into the type of energy (ATP) your body needs. ATP is involved in muscle movement (eating, exercising, running, etc.). 

For example, vitamin D is needed to help the body absorb calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral for building healthy bones. 

Some nutrients require other vitamins to be effective and efficient. For example, vitamin E deficiency affects how the body absorbs and stores vitamin A. 

Antioxidants such as vitamin E and C collect unstable molecules and toxins that can cause serious damage to the body. The latter is known as one of the immune system boosters. 

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Vitamin B6 helps the body produce white blood cells and regulatory T cells, cells that protect the body from viruses and bacteria. 

Using food supplements is a smart way to maintain your health without a balanced diet. Many things make it a necessity rather than a luxury. 

These factors include aging, loss of nutrients during cooking, less nutrient-dense foods, reducing the risk of chronic disease, and meeting the nutrient needs of conditions such as pregnancy, malabsorption, and stress. 

Find pure and natural supplements that work and are easily absorbed by your body at Why Not Natural.

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By 2022, Americans are expected to spend $35.6 billion on dietary supplements. That’s a lot of money for products that show little or no benefit.

“The idea is that taking these pills can somehow make you better or protect you from disease,” said Dr. Pieter Cohen, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Fellow of the Harvard-affiliated Cambridge Alliance. “While some people may need special vitamins or supplements to address deficiencies, for the average person, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides all the vitamins and minerals they need.”

“Definition of food” is an umbrella term. It contains everything from single nutrients – vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K and minerals such as calcium – to multivitamins and special “super” formulas containing various vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and other ingredients .

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Why do people buy so much? Look for smart markets and loopholes in government guidelines. The FDA regulates dietary supplements as part of a diet, but not as a prescription or over-the-counter drug. This means that the FDA only monitors claims made on dietary supplement labels to treat disease.

For example, dietary supplement labels cannot make claims about the treatment of certain conditions, such as “reducing the risk of heart disease” or “protecting against dementia.” But the guidelines allow words like “heart stimulation” or “immune system support.” (However, such claims must be followed by the following words: “This claim has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”)

“Such uncertainty means the sky’s the limit for how manufacturers can develop their products,” says Dr. Cohen. “And most people don’t know